
Warren Buffett SHOCKS with This Multi-Million Stake

For decades, the world’s #1 investor, Warren Buffett, famously AVOIDED tech stocks.

He’s typically a strict value investor who says he steers clear of tech because he doesn’t understand the industry well enough.

“I know as much about semiconductors or integrated circuits as I do of the mating habits of the chrzaszcz,” Buffett wrote in 1967, referring to an obscure Polish beetle.

And in his 2014 letter to shareholders, Buffett laid out 6 criteria he applied to measure a company’s fundamentals. One criterion is that he only invests in “simple businesses.”

“If there’s lots of technology, we won’t understand it,” he said.

I mean, for goodness sakes…

This is a man who REFUSED to invest in the booming U.S. tech industry in the 1990s and 2000s…

Missing out on the likes of Amazon – now up as much as 204,000% …

Google – now up as much as 5,400%…

And other of the massive tech winners of the decade.

But today?

He’s IN on one of the most amazing new technologies of our lifetime.

And not just a little in…

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Warren Buffett owns a $232 million stake in a company that plans to develop a certain tech.

It’s a groundbreaking technology the Washington Post calls:

“The holy grail of transportation’s future.”

And which Forbes predicts:

“The market for [this tech] will more than double by 2025 to over $25 billion.”

Experts predict this tech will completely reshape the autonomous vehicle (AV) revolution.

…A tech so precise, it can help allow an AV to detect a pedestrian, a cyclist, or a vehicle up to 3 FOOTBALL FIELDS away.

There’s nothing else like this on the market. And it has the potential to become a 15x investment opportunity.

You can learn more about this revolutionary technology by clicking the button below.

About Luke Lango’s Innovation Investor

With Luke Lango’s Innovation Investor, Luke Lango’s goal is to offer readers research on an elevated small-cap investing strategy that goes beyond anything that’s been done before on Wall Street. Luke was ranked America’s #1 stock picker in 2020 according to TipRanks and has 15 recommendations that have soared as high as 1,000% or more over his tenure.

*All investing includes risk of loss*