
Man Who Recommended Google Before Anyone Else: “Sell Your Index Funds Now!”

Index funds, a supposed “safe” investment most Americans look to for retirement, could be a lot more dangerous than you think…

This according to Michael Burry, the investor who was the hero of the bestselling book The Big Short for being one of the few who predicted—and made billions from—the collapse of 2008. (He compared index funds to the toxic subprime loans that tanked the housing market.)

The late Jack Bogle, the very man who invented the index fund, has also weighed in…

Some time ago he wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal warning index fund holders, saying there’s a big problem with these types of investments.

More and more evidence is piling up now that suggests both of these gentlemen are exactly right.

Index funds are sold on the idea that they make it very easy to own a huge basket of stocks like the S&P…

And while that may seem like a huge benefit, there’s a dark side that comes along with it.

If you invest in one…odds are you’ll own some very good companies…but you’re also virtually guaranteed to own a lot of average companies—and even downright awful businesses.

Sears, Blockbuster, and Kodak were all—at one time—part of the S&P 500.

More recently, Chesapeake Energy was, as well, just before it lost 98% of its value.

And today, AIG’s still in the S&P—the insurance company that cost taxpayers $85 billion during the crash of 2008.

This is probably why legendary investor Louis Navellier, known for being the analyst who recommended Google before anyone else, said recently…

“It absolutely infuriates me that indexing has become the first choice for so many people. Index funds are like a ticking time bomb sitting in the portfolios of millions of Main Street investors.”

Incredibly, Louis Navellier has found a way to “have your cake and eat it too.”

He’s devised a way to own only the best stocks in the market and eliminate the duds that drag everything else down.

This same strategy helped Navellier find household-name companies when they were trading for peanuts, like Apple at $1.49 per share, Cisco at 47 cents, and Oracle when the software giant was trading for only 51 cents…

It helped him identify the #1 S&P stocks for the past eight years…

And it even helped him beat Warren Buffet by an incredible 1,000% over a period of 10 years.

Now, Navellier is sharing his strategy with everyday Americans.

He’s put together a presentation all about it, which you can view here.

But I have to warn you: what Louis has to say is quite controversial.

Click Here To View His Presentation

About Growth Investor

In Growth Investor, we focus on today’s best mid- to large-cap stocks from a variety of sectors. The Buy List contains specific Buy Below prices and is always sorted into 3 categories of portfolio risk–Conservative, Moderately Aggressive or Aggressive–so you can buy according to your personal risk tolerance. Louis Navellier has been involved in the investing world for over 30 years. Since founding their research firm 45 years ago, their elite group has been responsible for accurately forecasting many of the world’s most innovative technological trends and breakthroughs long before they achieved mainstream acceptance.

*All investing includes risk of loss*